Sunday, May 11, 2014

Study Lies Saying Porn Leads To Cheating

Some nonsense called Psychology of Popular Media Culture thinks that people who watch porn are more likely to think that having an affair is fine. After data collected from 551 married couples gathered by the General Social Survey they gathered responses from the participants and came up with this result. The study stated things like “Pornography consumption was associated with more positive subsequent extramarital sex attitudes in both analyses” and “If pornography consumption leads to more positive extramarital sex attitudes as the results of the panels suggest, pornography consumption may be a contributing factor in some divorces via extramarital sex behavior.” They also stated that affairs are the most used devices in porn leading some to think that it is “normative and rewarding.” Well, honestly, that depends on what type of porn you're watching,

There is porn where people cheat. They sleep with the babysitter, the neighbors husband/wife, some random chick in a bathroom, step-children, and food just laying around. Again. It depends on what you're looking for. I wonder if they asked these couples how much sex they were having because I believe that how much you watch correlates with how much sex you're having with your partner. It's not even close to as much fun to handle yourself with or without porn when you have the ability to have sex with someone else. But if your partner isn't having sex with you the next best option is porn. You don't want them watching porn? Well, either accept that cheating is now on the table or just enough porn to not murder you in your sleep.  

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