West Hollywood police have run out of shits to give. I've known this
for a while but sometimes I kinda forget and am reminded when I am
forced to deal with them. I try not to because I know that they don't
care about what you do as long as you don't park where you shouldn't
be or speed. Otherwise this city is a goddamn wild zone. You can
cross wherever you please, whip out knives, rob people and get away
with it.
I called because a few days ago there was this guy in the parking lot
screaming at the top of his lungs about nothing. Was he sick? Crazy?
Disturbed? High? I don't care. He was a short Black guy with a three
foot blond wig and a baseball cap and a lot of garbage. After about
two hours of this the police rolled up. Three cars. He didn't stop
acting crazy. Most times when the cops show up people tend to tone
down their levels of lunacy. Not this guy. He had a fewer less fucks
to give than the police of West Hollywood.